Film on evolution?

I received this comment and thought I might tap into the community here:

Ok I'm really sorry but this has nothing to do with the above post. I'm truly desperate to get my hands on a good pro-evolution film or something that explains clearly what its all about. All I seem to get locally is a bunch of bullshit about evolution vs. creationism. I've gotten a few good books mainly Dawkins, Steve Gould and Steve Jones but I'd love to see a good evolution film for once any reccomendations?

The only things I can think of are the PBS series Evolution and God, Darwin and Dinosaurs.

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The HHMI holiday lecture series last December was on Evolution, with Sean Carroll as one of the presenters. You can get it free from the HHMI website.

Dawkins presented a BBC Horizon special called "The Blind Watchmaker" back in the 80's (which, aside from it's subject matter of evolution, is worth watching just to see a young Dawkins parading around in his shorts).
Although, afaik, not available anywhere for purchase, I have seen it listed on various Bittorrent sites.

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