Tripoli 6 Update


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Over at Effect Measure, Revere gives an update on the Tripoli Six (see my earlier post). Some readers may have noticed that the New York Times devoted an editorial to the case today and the editors of Nature also weighed in [pdf]: Most readers of Nature take it for granted that they can travel to…
Revere, Orac and PZ have an update on the fate of the Tripoli 6. Revere explains: The final act in the drama of five Bulgarian nurses and one Palestinian doctor imprisoned for seven years and sentenced to death by firing squad in Libya after being accused of deliberately infecting over 400 chidren…
The Tripoli 6 had their death sentence commuted to life in prison. Revere has the details. Update: There is more.
Revere has an update on the campaign to free the Tripoli Six. Declan Butler is keeping up with the news on his blog and collecting blog responses on Connotea. Injection is a documentary film about this case. You can see the trailer or download the whole movie. Then, blog about it. And urge your…