Muhammad Yunus is going to be on TALK OF THE NATION

Muhammad Yunus, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, will be on Talk of the Nation today (Nov. 21st).


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Dr. Younus's recent utterances need some rebuttals. He said just prior to the dissolution of the parliament that he intended to float a political party. Then he left the country on a world tour by dodging the national political situation. He resurfaced again after the caretaker government took over. And this time he attended a ceremony thrown in his honor by the partisan BNP nominated president Iazuddin. His empty speech had applauds from a spineless president who has been subserviently carrying out strategies designed by Khaleda, Tarek and Nizami to set the stage for massive rigging of polls in 2007. The function was hardly attended by any notables of the country except for some BNP loyalists trying to associate themselves with him to give some boost to their waning popularity. He again attended a function arranged by the mayor of Dhaka at the parliament house premises. The audience was mostly former BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami ministers and their supporters. Dr.Younus had the audacity to propose his solution for resolving the current political turmoil. The solution was a ridiculous proposal that will not only derail the nascent democratic process in the country but also prepare the ground for illegitimate juntas headed by pseudogurus like Dr.Younus to sell off the country to his foreign masters. It would then be easier for him to invite PSCs from his masters to siphon off our 45 tcf of natural gas reserves at a cheap price. Petty commission from that pilferage will end up in his grameen account to fund his high interest banking venture.

He further went to the extent of advising one of the major parties to call off their agitation program against naked injustice and unfairness of Khaleda-Iazuddin duo while keeping mum on the rampant corruption the outgoing government had indulged in over the last five years. It seems that he has been devising some graceful exit strategy for BNP after their disastrous performance in governing the country. It is almost clear that BNP will be routed if a free and fair election is held. The majority of the village folks would come out in droves to pulverize BNP this time for its myriad failures.

By attending these two partisan occasions Dr. Younus has clearly identified himself as a BNP-Jamaat leaning so-called intellectual. He should know that the Awami League is a populist party that enjoys tremendous following at the grassroots level in especially rural Bangladesh. If Dr. Younus thinks that he can somehow slip into power through some illegitimate way with the blessings of a junta then he should think twice. It is not unlikely since he had his grameen operations authorized and launched during the autocratic rule of Ershad. His political solution will actually give reprieve to the dacoits and killers who had plundered the economy and vandalized all branches of the government machinery by politicizing it. He is more intent on helping BNP to get away with its crimes. He has never said a word about the atrocities against minorities, assassinations of opposition MPs and assassination attempts for annihilation of the top brass of Awami League, and irregularities in all spheres of governance. By keeping silent he has exposed his weakness of strength of character to speak out against lies and falsehood. He has clearly identified himself with BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami and it is for sure he will never be trusted by Awami League in future. His escapist opportunist tendencies to evade facts have been exposed. I wonder if his family had collaborated with the Pakistani Army during our War of Independence in 1971because his homeland district area had produced a lot of Razaakars in 1971.

Dr. Younus's innovation is nothing new. Similar programs have been going on in many poor countries for over four decades carried out by dedicated honest souls without any patronization by any vested interested quarters. Akhter Hamid Khan and Mahbubul Alam were the pioneers in this field. Dr. Younus had been deliberately pushed into limelight by a billionaires' club consisting of tycoons like Gates, Soros, Branson, etc., to promote their agenda. He is just a pawn in their game-plan to penetrate heavily populated economically viable countries like Bangladesh through parallel companies like grameen phone (a sister concern of Scandinavian Telenor) to siphon out millions of dollars out of embryonic economies by enjoying unheard of tax breaks unthinkable in those countries.

Dr. Younus has powerful friends at high places. He can do a service to the nation if he can persuade his influential friends to help us recover our plundered and looted money from banks and investments in the US, Europe, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia and the Middle East. I can even name a few banks where Tarek, Mamun, Babar and a host of other smugglers and terrorists have deposited their wealth. The banks include HSBC, Citibank, Bank of America, First Virginia Bank, Swiss Bank, Standard Chartered to name a few. He should ask grameen bank financiers and promoters to finance lobbyist firms to convince legislators in enacting laws and pass bills to plug leakages in international banking to prevent money laundering by politicians. This was how Khaleda Zia had put millions of dollars into lobbyist firms in the US through Tarek, Babar and Morshed Khan to influence the Congress and the Bush administration. If Dr.Younus can get us back the booty stashed by Khaleda, her son and relatives, and cronies in banks abroad Bangladesh can easily finance its next five budgets and appreciably reduce its budget deficits. Instead of openly identifying himself with fascist forces he must help us rightfully recover 2-3% of the annual GDPs that was robbed from the nation by Dr. Younus' buddies inside BNP. Perhaps a fraction of our retrieved plundered treasury can then be doled out to Dr. Younus to distribute among destitutes without any strings attached (for God's sake no staggering interest rates please!!).

Dr. Younus should also save the enormous amount of money he wastes on lavish trips abroad to invest on the poor and downtrodden instead of relying solely on his mentors.

Wasn't it Dr. Younus who had partnered with Monsanto in the past to introduce the 'terminator' hybrid rice gene in Bangladesh to eliminate the indigenously developed wild strains of Bangladeshi rice varieties evolved through centuries of natural selection? Was it not Soros, the financial wizard and venture capitalist who had soared high over the skies of Asia in the 90s to swoop on the mighty and fragile economies alike to reap profit by devaluation of the local currencies? Dr. Younus must resist the temptation to hyperinflate himself beyond what he really is. He should not be a mere tool to let unbridled foreign profiteers raid our economies and run away with the booty through the courtesy of Khaledas and Tareks.

Dr. Younus should come out of his secure hideout and launch his next project the GrameenPolitics (GP) foundation to further the interests of the Gates-Soros consortium.

Dr. Younus must not end up on the side of the most corrupt government in the history of Bangladesh. He ought to reeducate himself on the principles of democracy. He should learn the following paragraph by heart so that he doesn't jeopardize Bangladesh's fledgling democracy:

" A government-controlled media, everywhere it exists, is an anti-democratic institution. Similarly an executive branch that wields influence in the judiciary or bureaucracy poisons democracy. An educational system that does not teach economically viable skills is a disservice to the nation. Corruption denies citizens their equality, and it prevents achievement-based social mobility".

By Maya Bini (not verified) on 30 Nov 2006 #permalink