Darwinian reflection

When I was in 7th grade a school psychologist tested & interviewed me for the gifted program. During the knowledge section he asked me to describe Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. I am pretty sure that my response was rather garbled, I don't personally think I really understood evolution until late in 2003, nevertheless, after repeating the standard mantra of change over time generated by the process of survival of the fittest the psychologist paused and smiled at me. He stated that "That's the first time ever that any student has responded to that question in a coherent manner." I was aghast and confused. Granted, this was western Pennsylvania deep in Amish country, but at this point I didn't even know that Creationists existed!


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Brown people live in Amish country?

Amish country - a lot of people, who are able to think in the basic terms of biology, I think.

(Peasant christianity is often very different from christianity in the cities.)

Brown people live in Amish country?

the non-amish fund universities in amish areas. so yes.

also, just to be clear, the "dutchies" didn't go to mainstream schools into middle school (grate 7), so this psychologist would never have interviewed any of them.