As you might guess, my site is one of the sources of content. If you're reading this post at New York Articles rather than at my actual site, you are partaking of a suboptimal experience.
I'm not going to give you the URL for the lesser, because there is no value-added to speak of, unless you count the pennies that come in to the leech that grabs the RSS and sells the Google Ads.
Does such a site do anything to improve an already crowded blogosphere? Does anyone treat a sloppy feed aggregating site of this sort as a regular destination (or really, as anything but an accidental destination)?
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As you might guess, my site is one of the sources of content. If you're reading this post at New York Articles (or at "Articles", whose tagline is even more grammatically incorrect) rather than at my actual site, you are partaking of a suboptimal experience.
I'm not going to give you the URL for…
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One of the most hated practices on the Internet is the breaking of articles into pages. Jason Kottke swearingly rants against it here, and Mike Davidson denounces the practice here. I don't much like the practice either, especially when a short, pointless article is broken into four or more pages (…
Unfortunately, Razib, the site is now serving up popups from a .tr domain, so I would highly advise against visiting that site without adequate popup and virus protection. I've emailed the webmaster to see if he can block their domain and IPs.