Bora interviews John Edwards


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Over at A Blog Around the Clock, Bora has posted an interview he conducted by email with Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on science and science-related issues. The fact that John Edwards participated is a good indication that the 2008 candidates (at least the Democratic ones) are…
Bora at A Blog Around the Clock managed to land an interview with presidential candidate Senator John Edwards! You can read it over at his pad here. Eight questions on the senator's views on science and science policy issues - nice work, Bora!
Bora Zivkovic for several years has been doing interviews with the attendees at the annual ScienceOnline conferences. The latest interview is with my longtime blog buddy Stephanie Willen Brown, AKA The CogSciLibrarian! What aspect of science communication and/or particular use of the Web in…
A bunch of bloggers and some other fancy folks have gotten together to endorse a simple request: Given the many urgent scientific and technological challenges facing America and the rest of the world, the increasing need for accurate scientific information in political decision making, and the…