Bacchus is very good!

I went to Bacchus on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn tonight. Great food, great wine. But here is why I am giving them props: habanero tabasco sauce!. Yes, instead of offering me cayenne tabasco, they actually offered me a nice spicy condiment. And I shall remain eternally grateful. So:

409 Atlantic Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11217-1702
Phone: (718) 852-1572

Check it out. And ask for hot sauce!


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Bacchus got kind of very mixed reviews, didn't it? Mostly glowing, but a couple of real stinkers. Interesting how people's different perspectives and expectations translate.

By Sandgroper (not verified) on 21 Aug 2007 #permalink

Yep, they're good people there - they could do with the business!


I think when there is generally great reviews and a few stinkers, then we could have a situation where comments are being left by competitors?!

Conroy, that's one thing that occurred to me, but the other thing that struck me was that, of the people who left adverse comments, none of the three actually tasted the food. Seemed significant, given they were supposed to be critiquing a restaurant.

By Sandgroper (not verified) on 21 Aug 2007 #permalink