Reader survey

I'm curious about the readers of this weblog as we've been queried by the higher ups, but I don't know much aside from readers whose handles I am familiar with. I've set up a small survey with two questions, the first which asks which other science weblogs you read and the second on political orientation. Both are optional, and in the first case you can answer as many as you wish (the list is long, but mostly alphabetical). Just click here and enter survey number 56717 in the "Take A Survey" box (to the right side of the screen) to take the survey. You can leave comments about yourself if you want. Obviously this is aimed at regular readers of the weblog.

Here are the results.


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Razib and PZ sitting in a tree,

By John Emerson (not verified) on 10 Nov 2007 #permalink

I hate surveys like that even though I understand what you trying to find. You know what science blogs I read is a funny question. If you mean the actual blog then I checked the ones I read at least a couple times a month. but usually I read the feeds of new entries for Science Blogs. then when I see something I find interesting I follow it up. So I am "reading" all of them in a sense.

The is no one axis to group my political views. I am fiscally conservative, socially liberal, non-interventionist, all for ecological based regulation, etc. I will not vote Republican right now until the Habeus Corpus destroying current administration is gone, but could easily vote that way on the state level shortly thereafter...