Gene Genie #30

i-67706987221653799572db220db7f2d7-gene_genie_logo_400.jpgWelcome to the 30thGene Genie!

Indulge in the fascinating world of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine has a "genetics lifestyle" post, Home Improvement For Geneticists. Not quite Tim Allen. Fellow ScienceBlogger Sandra illustrates Mapping polymorphisms in 16S ribosomal RNA. Definitely worth checking out, anyone interested in biology should be down with ribosomes, and rRNA has also been critical in taxonomy. Biotech Weblog notes that Gene Therapy May Treat Cocaine Addiction. 'nuf said. Migraines affect about 1 out of 6 people in the world; so pay attention when Genetics and Health suggest the possibility for a Genetic breakthrough for migraine sufferers. KQED's Quest offers a podcast which illuminates the light shed upon Human Genetics through Dogs. Have you read The History and Geography of Human Genes? Then you must read Yann Klimentidis, p-ter and G; beware of how PCA is displayed! We live in a world where hundreds of thousands of Americans are currently stationed in Iraq. So it is probably important to wonder about A Genetic Susceptibility to PTSD?, as Brain Blogger does. Think Gene engages in a little heresy from the Central Dogma, blogging the revolution as Scientists clarify a mechanism of epigenetic inheritance. Are you going to be well aged? Ouroboros asks Is there anything SIRT1 can't do? It might be part of the answer, along with a helping hand from our friends at Big Pharma. You hear a lot about Hox genes, especially with the rise of evo-devo, DNA and You makes it a bit personal. A HOXA2 mutation is responsible for one type of autosomal recessive microtia (congenital deformity of the outer ear), a mouthful that remains relevant.

Speaking of which, let's move specifically into the domain of Personalized Genetics:

About 10% of all cancer is breast cancer, so when Genetics and Health observes that Gene signature found for breast cancer survival, everyone should listen up. Speaking of an impact on millions & millions, Eye on DNA observes that Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) Nears Unanimous Consent Passage in U.S. Senate. This is only the beginning, genes will now impinge more and more into the public consciousness through policy and legislation. Gene Sherpas adds voices to the conversation, Timely Release and A Unanimous Vote, while The Genetic Genealogist makes it a hat-trick with Finally, GINA Gets Her Day. Of course, GINA is important because of companies like Navigenics. Predicter Blog continues the conversation on personal genomics with Navigenics Enters Personal Genomics Game ... Meanwhile: "What's a SNP?". Taking a step back from the nitty-gritty of public policy & business, Genetic Future offers up the big picture with Genome-wide association studies taken to the next level. If you don't know what a genome-wide association is, then you get less return on value for boning up on GINA. Finally, getting back to the pragmatic big picture, ScienceRoll asks, Personalized Genetics: Are we ready?.

The next edition will be published at Adaptive Complexity on 11 May 2008! (a blog you should already be reading)

Credit: Logo thanks to Ricardo @ My Biotech Life.


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