How White are you? (Stuff White People Like)

A friend of mine emailed me that he scored a 21 out of 107 on the full list of Stuff White People Like. I thought it was a little tedious to count, so I wrote up a small script which counts it up for you via the checks you make. Below the fold....

#107 Self Aware Hip Hop References
#106 Facebook
#105 Unpaid Internships
#104 Girls with Bangs
#103 Sweaters
#102 Children's Games as Adults
#101 Being Offended
#100 Bumper Stickers
#99 Grammar
#98 The Ivy League
#97 Scarves
#96 New Balance Shoes
#95 Rugby
#94 Free Healthcare
#93 Music Piracy
#92 Book Deals
#91 San Francisco
#90 Dinner Parties
#89 St. Patrick's Day
#88 Having Gay Friends
#87 Outdoor Performance Clothes
#86 Shorts
#85 The Wire
#84 T-Shirts
#83 Bad Memories of High School
#82 Hating Corporations
#81 Graduate School
#80 The Idea of Soccer
#79 Modern Furniture
#78 Multilingual Children
#77 Musical Comedy
#76 Bottles of Water
#75 Threatening to Move to Canada
#74 Oscar Parties
#73 Gentrification
#72 Study Abroad
#71 Being the only white person around
#70 Difficult Breakups
#69 Mos Def
#68 Michel Gondry
#67 Standing Still at Concerts
#66 Divorce
#65 Co-Ed Sports
#64 Recycling
#63 Expensive Sandwiches
#62 Knowing What's Best for Poor People
#61 Bicycles
#60 Toyota Prius
#59 Natural Medicine
#58 Japan
#57 Juno
#56 Lawyers
#55 Apologies
#54 Kitchen Gadgets
#53 Dogs
#52 Sarah Silverman
#51 Living by the Water
#50 Irony
#49 Vintage
#48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops
#47 Arts Degrees
#46 The Sunday New York Times
#45 Asian Fusion Food
#44 Public Radio
#43 Plays
#42 Sushi
#41 Indie Music
#40 Apple Products
#39 Netflix
#38 Arrested Development
#37 Renovations
#36 Breakfast Places
#35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report
#34 Architecture
#33 Marijuana
#32 Vegan/Vegetarianism
#31 Snowboarding
#30 Wrigley Field
#29 80s Night
#28 Not having a TV
#27 Marathons
#26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!)
#25 David Sedaris
#24 Wine
#23 Microbreweries
#22 Having Two Last Names
#21 Writers Workshops
#20 Being an expert on YOUR culture
#19 Traveling
#18 Awareness
#17 Hating their Parents
#16 Gifted Children
#15 Yoga
#14 Having Black Friends
#13 Tea
#12 Non-Profit Organizations
#11 Asian Girls
#10 Wes Anderson Movies
#9 Making you feel bad about not going outside
#8 Barack Obama
#7 Diversity
#6 Organic Food
#5 Farmer's Markets
#4 Assists
#3 Film Festivals
#2 Religions their parents don't belong to
#1 Coffee

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Twenty. You're whiter than me Razib.

/me checks skin color again.

7. Honestly.

I must be even less white than Wilkins.

Actually it should be 6 because bicycles and coffee are really the same box.

By Sandgroper (not verified) on 07 Sep 2008 #permalink

42 out of 107, but the mullet lets me know I'm still the wrong kind of white person.

Still, in the university/urban area where I live, I know or have seen several dozen people who look exactly like the bearded hipster that pops up at 107.

12 out of 107 Stuffs White People Like here. And I'm half-white/half-Filipino, so maybe that's it.

By Christopher (not verified) on 07 Sep 2008 #permalink

Wow, only 21. It doesn't seem that "white people" includes unhip 40-something suburbanites. (And does enjoying 80s night count if I don't think of the songs as "oldies"?)


By michael vassar (not verified) on 07 Sep 2008 #permalink

my wife is 45

By michael vassar (not verified) on 07 Sep 2008 #permalink

16 out of 107

42. But then again, I am a European meaning I have no idea what e.g. "Sarah Silverman" or "Wrigley Field" are (I presume it's because I'm European), and such things as "Oscar Parties" or "St. Patrick's Day" and more are utterly foreign to me - and "Religions their parents don't belong to"; not sure I know anyone who actually is religious, nor any parents who are, so it seems rather irrelevant. I'm from a Northern European city, you know.

foreign people: understand something, you aren't agents, you aren't ends, you're *means*. you exist so that White People (that is, americans) can get to know you and say they've visited your countries so as to show how cosmopolitan and world-traveling they are. your countries also exist to illustrate how well social democracy can work in conversations which White People have amongst themselves at parties where they jockey for the most Enlightened White Person position. you are the fields of elysium.

46 - I kept trying to resist but I really love all the things I checked off.
Getting high, then eating expensive sandwiches and drinking coffee with my gay friends in Canada while watching the Daily Show - Best Day Ever.

You should put a "hate" option on all those since things like "Dinner Parties" and "Self Aware Hip Hop References" I hate worse than dental work.

61 - do i get a white guy prize?
Of course, I'm going to suggest I was more honest than some of the other folks who got lower scores.

65 out of 101.
I am European, so some things I have had to transpose to a British or continental equivalent.
The irony? I am actually half-white half-black. But being raised in a nearly all-white environment probably explains it.
So yeah, race is far more of a social construct, even though we use genetic traits to tell one from another apart.

Yeah, having trouble finagling it to reach double figures, but then I'm an elderly (white) European. Perhaps the category should be revised to Stuff Characters from Questionable Content Like.

28, for whatever that's worth.

New Balance shoes are crucial-- they're the only ones that are wide enough for me. What brand(s) do everyone else with wide feet wear?

Anyone have a theory about what the point of that quiz is? I can generate three or four, with no certainty for any of them.

I'm eighty years old and got 20,and don't live in the US. What does that tell you? Nothing.


Canadian living in Europe

I scored a whopping 13 of 107. Perhaps I should reconsider my ethnicity?

By Genuinely Doug (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

This is not stuff what people like, it's stuff new-age eno-hippies from well-off backgrounds like.

I'm from Spain, and that list would appeal to the sort of people we call "progres" (contraction of "progresistas", which at some point probably meant the same thing as "progressive", but has since diverged somewhat).

Given that, I knew more than a few people here who would score very highly. They wouldn't watch Stephen Colbert, because that is american TV, which is part of the Hollywood conglomerate, but other than that...

By valhar2000 (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

44 -- and I'm a middle-aged, lifetime suburban, white woman. I think the "hate option" would give a more accurate score.

foreign people: understand something, you aren't agents, you aren't ends, you're *means*. you exist so that White People (that is, americans) can get to [...]

That must be it, because I don't even understand maybe half of the options.

By David MarjanoviÄ (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

Yeah, I'm confused too. Why is it white to like having bad memories of high school?

33 of 107.

I think credit should be given for things i've never heard of or ever experienced firsthand ;)

24/107. I'm a 40-ish white guy in a small town.

By Eric Lund (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

Since I never hit the curiosity threshold to go through the site and take inventory, thanks for the punchlist.

By Cracker that C… (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

12, and I'm as pale as an Irish-American can get without having pink eyes.

Do I get to subtract a point for not recognizing the wimp at the top of the page trying to do a Rasputin imitation?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

48 out of 107, and i would get sunburn off a halogen lamp.

Clearly given the pathetic scores so far, we are the "wrong" kind of

By Richard Eis (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

Que paso? Por que tengo 41?

Oh, well, guess the assimilation process has started to set in.

Resistance is futile! Sci-fi reference, just gave myself another point.

9. Shout out to Sandgroper. (hmmm... is "shout out" a self aware hip hop reference?)

By Jason Malloy (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

scored a 14. two thoughts:

1) it's near-impossible not to check some of these things. "T-Shirts"?

2) anyone notice that the people getting the highest scores so far are Canadians and Europeans?

23, but I'll 'fess up to being exactly the sort of person this is making fun of. On my next trip to San Francisco, I'll be sure to admire the Transamerica Pyramid, visit Castro street, and eat sushi in a Japanese restaurant. Might even have time to fit in a yoga class :-)

Hilarious script, Razib, very clever. My score was 39, which is actually rather low, compared with guesstimated scores for most others who attended my grad school alma mater (if they were honest).

Who doesn't like San Francisco, anyway? ;-)

Ok, I'm the whitest person I know, and I scored 17.

Maybe I was wrong about myself. Either that, or you're wrong about being white.

Now I'm not so sure...

Top to bottom: Girls with Bangs, Free Healthcare, Music Piracy, The Wire, T-Shirts, Study Abroad, Juno, Dogs, The Daily Show/Colbert Report, Wine, Traveling, Tea, Barack Obama. Total 13. White Czech male.

If you think T-shirts are impossible not to tag, you clearly haven't read the entry and you're still under the horribly mistaken impression that a T-shirt is just a T-shirt. T-shirts are actually the most devious form of oppression white people have brought on swarthy folk. You see, it's very easy to tell the quality of a T-shirt so you can instantly tell if the wearer has money to spend or, since flashing wealth is often too tacky for white people, extra time to waste on hunting an ironic vintage T. That's why white people love T-shirts.

I really have only one obvious white trait: I don't have a TV and I like to tell it to people. I rather liked Arrested Development back when I did have a TV, though, so I guess that's 2. (I assume that grad school means liberal arts, marijuana means believing that it's the most useful and divine herb on the planet instead of just a bit of fun for kids and so on.)

SWPL was a cool concept, but the actual site was half funny, half lazy-assed. This checklist was all that was ever needed.

9, for a Metis Canadian.

25. The test has nothing to do with white people, just a kind of liberal yuppie. This town is 97% white and I estimate the local average score at 10.

By John Emerson (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

26! Punjabi from what is now Pakistan. but a "i hate this" choice would have led to a negative score....

9: I had to really reach to get that high. I checked Facebook because I'm on it. But it seems pointless and a waste of time.

I do not know who these people are: Michel Gondry, David Sedaris, Wes Anderson, Mos Def (a band?).

Threatening to move to Canada: It is too cold up there unless you move to BC.

7. And yet I glow in the dark. Hmm.

Hmmm, 24 out of 107. Considering genealogically I'm ~65% white (this is an estimate, there is too much damn mixing in Latin America to say for sure). So I should have scored about 70. Also, I am Canadian and based on the answers here, and common stereotypes, I should be even whiter.

P.S. I don't see race. People tell me I'm Latino and I believe them because I have trouble at the border every time I enter the US (yes, Daily Show/Colbert Report was one of the 24).

By Feynmaniac (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

If you checked "David Sedaris" and/or "Daily Show/Colbert Report", you kinda have to check "Irony" as well.

There should be a blog Stuff Scientists Like, which might also include "Coffee" and "Apple Products", as well as some others, such as "T-Shirts and Miscellaneous Freebies from Promega, Invitrogen, etc.", "Graphs and Statistics", "Collecting Toy Versions of Lab Animals", and "Celebrations for Grants and Publications".

I scored a 4 (rugby, study abroad, hated high school, and occasionally do yoga). Being a physician, living on the Florida Gulf Coast, ex-military and originally from Texas, I appear to be the antithesis of hip whiteness. I do have a hybrid, though it's the Ford Escape variety.

43 out of 107; presumably the other 64 would be stuff the Wrong Sort of White People like.

I'm an uneasy mixture of whitepeople and white trash people.

By Salamander (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

23. Shouldn't have bothered. Old white Canadian woman living out in the woods. Many of those things would likely trigger 'get off my lawn!' syndrome if I actually encountered them. Only made 23 because I studied in Europe a hundred years ago, have a half dozen nice gay retired couples as near (10km. is so near! ...buncha townies.) neighbours and like coffee.

52 - Middle aged, White guy, from Europe

Yes, I enjoy tea, wine and sushi, and have a multilingual, gifted child among others.

The test has nothing to do with white people, just a kind of liberal yuppie.

Right. As a British person, I'd have said many of them were markers of social class, rather than race as such: e.g. not having a TV, or liking sushi. (That's liking sushi in a country where it's exotic and expensive. Presumably, in Japan liking sushi is not a status symbol).

" I'd have said many of them were markers of social class, rather than race as such"

class only applies to white people, of which White People are a subset. race trumps class, and all People of Color are Oppressed and part of the Proletariat because of the White Hegemonic Power Structure.

Anyone know what "free healthcare" is?

Other than that, it's an amusing list.

You know, John, I am sure the university czn find you more 'Important' things to do than scripting polls so your blog-fans aren't inconvienienced.

Or maybe I am just bitter because I score high as "a kind of liberal yuppie" I can't afford to be a yuppie!

19. Did I spend too much time out in the sun this summer?

I scored a 28. I really like coffee.

By Rogue Epidemiologist (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

36. But all of this confused by what it means for me to "like" something. Had I only checked boxes corresponding to things I do actually like -- i.e., presently approve of, purchase, actively particpate in, am -- my score would have been half that or lower yet. Instead, I checked all of those things plus things I have approved of or done in the past but do not necessarily approve of or do now.

Shouldn't it be possible to be a circumstantially (but not dispositionally) white person? Would this be the definition of a declasse?

29. Free health care? Threatening to move to Canada? Hating corporations? This should be retitled "Stuff black people and Democrats like".

They should have added, "Scoring low on stuff white people like."

New Balance shoes are crucial-- they're the only ones that are wide enough for me. What brand(s) do everyone else with wide feet wear?

Yes, I wondered about that, too. With 17EEEE feet, if I buy another company's shoes I have to go up in size so much that they're essentially clown shoes.

Also, Cubs fans need a Wrigley exclusion. So I've got a 16 or 14, depending on how you're scoring

13, but the quiz is a poor fit for non-americans. I might have scored higher if it had been translated cross-cultures.


I'm not surprised the Europeans scored higher than the actual American white people. A lot of whitepeople (liberal upper-middle-class) culture has to do with imitating Europe.

haha 21. I swear that I would have loved that list before I became libertarian.

By InquilineKea (not verified) on 08 Sep 2008 #permalink

Good grief! I'm a 58-year-old white person and I scored only 7.

Need to check my family a bit closer.

71, and what's odd is how many of the things I didn't vote for I had never heard of. (Who is Michael Gondry? Who or what is Mos Def?) I'm an artsy Evangelical Christian from a Midwestern small town now living in Ann Arbor; could it be my high score is due to that (somewhat) rare combination? Or maybe (considering some of the other comments) I scored high because I wasn't afraid to.

Only 14, and my great-grandparents were ashamed of the single Welshman in the family tree, because in their opinion the Welsh and Irish "were not white".

16 generations of english & germans, excepting that one welshman. We got here on the Mayflower. Really, I'm not kidding.

It might be 15 if I knew David Sedaris well enough to like him.

I got a 26 and im a suburban 18 yo black guy who plays fantasy football/baseball on a daily basis and watches inuyasha

43/107, meaning that I'm 40.2% white. What on earth is the other ~60% made of? Fruit filling?

By tevebaugh (not verified) on 10 Sep 2008 #permalink

A shameful 38...

"Yes, I enjoy tea, wine and sushi, and have a multilingual, gifted child among others."

Me too-- but I still only got 15.

And am a 58 year old white guy.

I've started a list of "Stuff Scientists Like" on my blag. Please feel free to add to the list in the comments; I'm a biologist, so ideas from scientists in physics, chemistry, geology, archaeology, etc. are especially welcome. Thanx.

This list has nothing to do with whiteness; everything to do with yuppediness. This is a lefty yuppy checklist.

I got 12. The list is pretty stupid, it should be "things white Americans like".

The Ivy League, San Fran, High school, soccer, Netflix, Daily Show, Wrigely Field, Manhattan, David Sedaris (who!?), the NYT, etc.... none of these are really part of my cultural landscape.

11 out of 107, born and raised in small town Nebraska. In a state that is +95% and a town that is +98% white. Obviously these items are not all inclusive. Sounds like a checklist for leftist urbanites to me. Why do "white" people have to like different things? How bout these items for a more realistic and popular list: BBQ, fried chicken, Nascar, Football, Baseball, Picnics, Oprah, Tacos, Chinese Food, Bargains, PTA? Fucking stupid list.

I got a 14. I think liking Lipton doesn't count for liking Tea. If it did I'd get a 15.

Charlie, if you are shocked by the fact that your ancestors were shocked by their partial welsh-ness, and tell everyone how shocked you are, that's worth a point.


But I don't like tests where the points add up to anything other than 100. I got 73/107. I like fractions, especially irreducible ones.

But percents are cool too. Roughly 68.22%

I'd really like a scatter plot of all our scores and our own "perceived white-ness".

By Mass Resident (not verified) on 11 Sep 2008 #permalink

I'd really like a scatter plot of all our scores and our own "perceived white-ness".

yeah, i'll code a script soon which will collect all these variables.

22 - but I didn't understand a lot of the things I'm supposed to like because I'm English (what is an 'assist'? no, I can't be arsed to look it up; also, liking tea sort of comes naturally without any need for added whiteness). I think white English people try less to be white;-) I probably rate an extra point for having a black wife, but I think she might score higher than me.

By Graham Asher (not verified) on 11 Sep 2008 #permalink

I think the list is most accurate for White people who live on either of the US coasts - especially in the New York area.

I'm from Ireland, but have lived in New York City for quite a while.

The only 2 items that I didn't know anything about were:
Michael Gondry
Wrigley Field

I scored a 26 and really had to stretch to do so. I had a feeling that I wasn't as white as my friends seem to think I am...

By Thomas M. (not verified) on 11 Sep 2008 #permalink

I scored a 5. I must be doing something wrong. But I'm a Sox fan.

By Neshobanakni (not verified) on 12 Sep 2008 #permalink

As a 58-year old Czech female - meagre 7 points, and that even with including T-shirts as such, plain and simple, without any societal meanings assigned to them.

Maybe liking coffee proves my whiteness, but again - I like it prole-ish sweet, same as my wine ;-)

Going just on the titles of the entries doesnt give quite a clear picture of what they really mean. For example, what's "modern furniture"? What's Juno? What about renovations? What exactly about dogs? Is it enough to just like them or do I have to looooove them the way this girl I knew when I grew up did?

So a few weeks ago I went through and actually read all the posts, and counted up which ones applied to me even a little bit. Surprisingly I only found 6 of them. So 6 is my score. The ones I checked were: Coffee, Religions my parents dont belong to (though that's only because they're both atheists), Being Outside, Wearing Shorts, Dogs, and Not Having a TV.

I have to say this list rings true though. I never even heard of Whole Foods until I read about it on SWPL, and then I assumed it must be something from another part of the country until I started college a few days ago and overheard a conversation about one that had recently opened a few miles away from the college.

I'm an odd person though. I think that my list doesnt so much mark me out as "the wrong kind of white person" so much as it marks me out as someone who loves nature and animals and isn't so fond of modern technology.

By Stopped Clock (not verified) on 14 Sep 2008 #permalink

Only scored 7. This test only applies to North East Americans and other Ivy League "whites". White people in Australia refer to such white people as "basket weavers" or "the Latte Set". Thank God they have not bred up too much in this part of the world