Big Media John

Dienekes points out that John Hawks is staring in a new National Geographic special on the Neandertal genome.


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I was browsing RedState today and I noticed an advertisement for the National Geographic special on the Neandertal genome. At first I was surprised at the appearance of this on a right-wing website; after all, there is a bias toward Creationism on the modern American Right. Then I realized that…
John Hawks has the details on a new paper (DOI might not work yet) coming out in PNAS. The researchers trying to reconstruct the Neandertal genome are reporting biases in degradation which is aiding their task. Scientific American has a summary.
John Hawks notes that Neandertal genome in one week's time? I saw Svante Paabo speak in the fall and he said he was trying to get this out early in 2009, but he didn't clue us in to any surprises. Rather, he seemed to indicate that there would simply be greater precision on what he already had…
More Neandertal news, as promised! John Hawks is getting so much traffic that his site is getting bogged down. Anyway, he posts on the two studies that came out on Neandertal genomic sequencing. No big news, Neandertals are very different, and there isn't a great deal of evidence for mixing…

Oh; what's he staring at?

By bioIgnoramus (not verified) on 20 Sep 2008 #permalink

I don't suppose he'll tell us where the "living neandertals" are...Montenegro?