What's new in life science research?

If the title piques your interest, check out a new ScienceBlog of that name. The contributors are familiar faces....


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Thanks to B. Cohen for sending me this link to an installment of McSweeney's Annals of Science. Oh, the mighty struggle of sperm to fertilize egg! That's just good readin'. You'll want to scroll on down and read about electrovibratory massage as well. You may recall I mentioned an essay by…
Hello again! It's amazing the things that are going on right under our noses (undergraduate noses that is). I was wondering why we can continue to form so many memories in a life time with no new cell growth after a specific age. If every memory is a new reconstruction of interacting neurons…
I'm going to be out most of the day as I'm going to attend a lecture in New York on how useful (or not) living primates are in reconstructing the lifeways of extinct hominins (with a new copy of Peter Bowler's Monkey Trials and Gorillas Sermons to keep me occupied during the trip), but if you're…
If Bill Maher's strategy for landing interviews for his mockumentary Religulous sounds familiar, it's because it's the same method that Ben Stein & co. used for Expelled. From an LA Times blog: So how did Maher manage to get all these people to actually talk to him? Since "Religulous" was…

Woah, Pam Ronald works in the lab right above mine. She just moved back in after they finished renovating her lab. I didn't know she had a blog...

Their font is awfully small.