See below....
H/T Richard Spencer
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Lifted from comments. John Mashey writes:
The saga continues... inspired by Deep Climate, I've been examining the Wegman Report in detail. Plodding patience pays off... but the latest is an example of breathtakingly-bizarre incompetence.
Many WR references were sourced through Barton staffer Peter…
Uncensored video below.
Yes, this is juvenile. But then, you're the one who clicked on it.
H/T Max Blumenthal
Your nominations? Mine below....
Charles Darwin
R.A. Fisher
Sewall Wright
J.B.S. Haldane
Motoo Kimura
Ernst Mayr
Richard Lewontin
J. M. Smith
W.D. Hamilton
Theodosius Dobzhansky
I chose based on subjective criteria, and the individuals above differ a great deal. Lewontin has done good work, but…
In the Daily Show's brilliant style we get a quick overview of the right wing's hysterical reaction to Al Gore being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (co winning with the IPCC).
(YouTube video below with a H/T to CrooksandLiars)
(money quote: "Mother Teresa, f**k her!")
And not too far from the way it is presented by home owners facing foreclosure. Right down to the pulsing vein histrionics, blame shifting, and spit spraying call up of resources that no longer exist.
One of these days I'm actually going to watch the movie, and this scene is going to be comprehensively ruined. I swear there must be a cottage industry of people turning out Downfall parodies (my favorite is the one from last year with Hitler bemoaning the Cowboys defeat. Worth Googling, definitely.). Someone could probably write a dissertation on Hitler as a comic figure in the 21st century.
As for the subject, well, we're all toast anyway. Nobody in DC could bail their way out of a canoe, much less this mess. At least I'm not old enough to have many investments to watch inflate away.
Don't forget the one where Hitler complains about all the Hitler downfall parodies.