Our local White Male Patriarch has a post up, What is science?, where he offers a very succinct definition. I have no great disagreements with his definition, but I will add my own overly simple one just to offer another dimension from the perspective of a non-Patriarchal Person of Color:
Science is a culture
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"Science is a culture"
You mean like in a petri dish?!
"You mean like in a petri dish?!"
No, like in a Bruno Latour book--though "non-Patriarchal Person of Color," Razib, wound't think of relying on such pomo references in a non-ironic (or non-scornful) way.
No, like in a Bruno Latour book--though "non-Patriarchal Person of Color," Razib, wound't think of relying on such pomo references in a non-ironic (or non-scornful) way
i traced your IP so i know your institutional affiliation, do i know you?
"do i know you?"
I don't think so--so don't let me incriminate any of the people whom you might know (I can think of a few) at this institution with my snarkiness.
I take it you are familiar with the ideas of Thomas Kuhn.