23andMe = Terrorists?

I thought this Genetic Future post was an exaggeration, as it seemed to indicate that the Gene Sherpa was accusing 23andMe of terrorism. I thought there has to be context, right? Uh, not really:

In healthcare, imagine if your doctor was found to be breaking the law. Stole from Medicare? Non-Compliance with State regulations? Spousal Abuse? Selling Drugs?

Most of these are career killers. In fact in CT we just had a large group of GI doctors who are now not doing so well because one of their partners was just charged with endangering a minor.

Why is it so vital that physicians, nurses and others in the healthcare field try to stay above the law? Because patients lose trust in the system. They begin to think that their care givers are reckless criminals. And WHO would trust their life to a criminal???

It seems that Dr. Murphy has concerns about 23andMe et. al. edging into the information dispensation monopoly of his profession. I really don't think he has to worry. 80 years of econometric research suggests that you can't beat the market; but people still pay for financial newsletters and what not. Unlike financial advisors medical doctors do add some value for non-stupid people* (financial advisors add value for stupid people).

* OK, I've had some economics-oriented friends tell me this probably isn't even true. But you can post the link below.

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While I think doctors are important I've more and more begun to question GPs. It seems like they exist solely to write prescriptions and administer some shots. My experience is that they really aren't that great at detecting problems. (You end up having to do a lot of research on your own and bring up things - your medical exam isn't that useful)

Note, I'm not saying don't see doctors. Just that I halfway wonder if the way we do healthcare isn't the most efficient. Outside of specialists it seems like doctors are there just to keep the idiots from killing themselves buying medicine.


I agree. GP's seem to mostly dispense perscriptions for antibiotics, for viral infections and such. Nothing much more than a nurse-practitioner could do.

I got really, really sick a few years ago with CMV (Cytomegaloirus), and it took my GP weeks and 100's of tests in 3 rounds of blood draws to pinpoint what was wrong with me - he was totally clueless.

I am awaiting my 23andMe results right now, and intend to use them to help me diagnose my own susceptibility to various conditions - among other uses.

I say stop the healthcare monopoly now!!!

There is no cure for cytomegalovirus, and it's not certain any physician would have prescribed anti-virals since you are neither a newborn nor (as far as I know) immunocompromised, and the infection would likely be self-limited.

23andMe is very cool, but I suspect it's just going to give the anxiety-disposed something additional to worry about rather than provide much useful clinical information in the near term. Really, are you going to have a colonoscopy every month if 23andMe indicates that you have a polymorphism associated with a slightly increased relative risk of colon cancer? Not to mention that it's yet another layer of testing that is far ahead of treatment options. I think I'll save my money for now.


Well, at its worst, I had a temperature of 104 for 4 days, during which I seemed to be peeing blood. Overall I was sick for about 12 days IIRC. I certainly felt I was dying, but it was 3 weeks later that my doctor announced that it had been CMV, by which time I had no symptoms and had received no medication.

Funny you mention colon cancer, as that is one of my markers of interest, as 4 out of 7 of my Dad's siblings died of it. But I also suspect I carry the allele linked to both GERD and Autism, likewise the allele linked to anxiety and/or startle response.

Apart from that, I'm also interested in the "ancestry painting", as although I am from Ireland, I suspect that a small portion of my genes may come from Central Asia or East Asia - as I have dry ear wax, and am lactose intolerant, so we'll see...

Uh...doctors are useless? Tell that to the 72 year old I diagnosed with CF....or the guys who I saved his life by getting an ICD in his chest to prevent sudden cardiac death.

For those who say GPs are useless, I imagine you have never EVER really been sick before.....Ask a 76 year old woman with CHF and diabetes who her favorite person in the whole world is.....You guessed it....her PMD.

I am so sick of the GP bashing by people who have absolutely no insight into the whole system...

If GPs are so useless, why is there a healthcare crisis in the US AND why are they looking for ways to create more GPs?

You people should use your brains before you decide to bash people committed to keeping your A$$ out of the hospital and healthy.

Monopoly on information? Please? Go get your bp taken at a pharmacy.......now how does that feel? Empowered now?

We use the biometric data to perform risk calculations and administer therapy when indicated.....we are trained to interpret that data in a way which even the most skilled programmers have trouble coding....

But as for 23andmx they are not terrorists, just charlatans.
