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All scientific laboratories are not created equal, a fact evident in the differences in regulations and expectations between large research centers and smaller-scale labs. As Mike the Mad Biologist explains, large genomics labs in particular are subject to productivity standards, such as the swift…
One of the toughest things to do in science is to figure out -- of all the things that exist in the world -- is which ones are relevant to your problem. Take the Leaning Tower of Pisa, for instance. Specifically, I wrote about Galileo's famous problem, where you take two cannonballs, one that's 10…
David Dooling has a great post that starts with the conference blogging issue, and then leaps off in a different but related direction - the curious double standard in the data release policies applying to large genome sequencing centres compared to other genomic researchers. As David notes, the…
Should any data, not just genomic data, be held hostage by the grant award process? Hunh? Let me back up... By way of ScienceBlogling Daniel MacArthur, I came across this excellent post by David Dooling about, among other things, how different genome centers, based on size, have different…