So, you think you're smart?

Try this quiz. Pick out the titles of actual published scientific articles versus ones generated by a mad-libs-style algorithm....

Post your scores for bragging rights.

In case you need some cheering up after being squashed by this test of your mental acumen, check out these cuties at ZooBorns...

arctic fox kits.jpg

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Pencils ready? Here's a quick quiz; circle all that apply*: 1. You're a scientist and you've just published some research in a peer reviewed journal. You want: a. Scientists in your field to read and discuss your work. b. Interested non-scientists to get the important bits of what you found and…
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Melissa K. Aho and Erika Bennet's anthology The Machiavellian Librarian: Winning Allies, Combating Budget Cuts, and influencing Stakeholders is pretty good for what it is, in some ways better than I expected. It's a guide for maneuvering office politics and advancing your agenda, big and small,…

I quit while I was still better than a monkey.

16/21 hovered around 80% the whole time, not bad IMO since the test is highly physics/astrophysic/gooblegook-centric. Nothing remotely biological in the questions I saw.

I got 9/13 despite in many cases not having a clue what either title meant. I think their gobbledygook generator is flawed (in particular, it tends to produce overly simple and understandable titles).

I got 10/10, botched the 11th, and then managed to get a 20/21 before I clicked on the high scores button and accidentally deleted my progress. *doh!*

Not too shabby for an animator who flunked out of bioscience tech school.

By Left_Wing_Fox (not verified) on 28 Jun 2010 #permalink

anything with $ is usually right, and where there are sentences that don't seem to make any sense, those are usually right as well. The algorithm seeks to make good sentences, which aren't necessarily what you'd find in articles.

Hi .. Very Good Pigs .. where there are sentences that don't seem to make any sense, those are usually right as well. The algorithm seeks to make good sentences .. Cool .. ;)

I love ental acumen .. and where there are sentences that don't seem to make any sense, those are usually right as well. Very good sentences.. indirmedenizle big very big sweet ..

Hi .. My Names Hakan .. I think their gobbledygook generator is flawed (in particular, it tends to produce overly simple and understandable titles) ...

Hi .. sweet .. You have written an excellent blog that has convinced me to read this! Excellent Job! .. The make good sentences, which aren't necessarily what you'd find in articles. I was still better....

Hi .. My Names Elif .. And .. well i have herd from alot of sites that there are no such thing as a teacup or 'micro' pig. well this made me verry sad cuz i want one! so if anyone know if they are reall or if someone out there breeds them plz email me at i am intresting in adoption now buying because iw ould rather save one from a shelter and well i like in the US so yes i would pay a resnoble price for shipping again any breeders plz contac me.

anything with $ is usually right, and where there are sentences that don't seem to make any sense, those are usually right as well. The algorithm seeks to make good sentences, which aren't necessarily what you'd find in articles.

Hi ... where there are sentences that don't seem to make any sense, those are usually right as well. The algorithm seeks to make good sentences, which aren't necessarily what you'd find in articles...

Not even remotely close to Hawaii, but Haeckel tattoos deserve some kind of shout-out anyway. Or am I stating the obvious here?

Not even remotely close to Hawaii, but Haeckel tattoos deserve some kind of shout-out anyway. Or am I stating the obvious here?

anything with $ is usually right, and where there are sentences that don't seem to make any sense, those are usually right as well. The algorithm seeks to make good sentences, which aren't necessarily what you'd find in articles.

Hi .. sweet .. You have written an excellent blog that has convinced me to read this! Excellent Job! .. The make good sentences, which aren't necessarily what you'd find in articles. I was still better....

Hi .. sweet .. You have written an excellent blog that has convinced me to read this! Excellent Job! .. The make good sentences, which aren't necessarily what you'd find in articles. I was still better....

where there are sentences that don't seem to make any sense, those are usually right as well. The algorithm seeks to make good sentences .. Cool .. ;)