
Is an awesome weblog. You should read it.

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Since the blogroll amnesty day earlier this month was such a flop, I thought I'd reframe it. Today is Blogroll Open Enrollment day! What that means is that this is your opportunity to get onto the Pharyngula blogroll, after you jump through some hoops. There are a few absolute requirements. For…
Science The NY Times had an article on why we like spicy foods...a week after I had my piece in the Guardian making the same arguments. Coincidence? Probably. "As the cost of DNA sequencing continues to plummet, I predict that these canine genetic/genomic studies will get much more common."…
Overheard in New York | The Giant Ones Who Live in the Sewers Are Especially Nasty A little something for the atheists. (tags: silly religion) Pure Pedantry : The Moral Problem of New Atheism vs. Religion -or- The Majesty of Creation ScienceBlogs' best writer on science and religion and…
I have tried really hard not to write a blog post about this book for awhile now, but I had to move recently, and in packing and unpacking I happened to run across my copy of it at least a dozen times. I can't resist it any longer. For those of you who have read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy…

I am down with the Neuroskeptic. May I also recommend a hardcore neuroscience blog by a very knowledgeable amateur who has nothing better to do than research blog awesome articles? Check out this guy, AK's Rambling Thoughts.