More than a guy in pajamas

Dan MacArthur did a lot of legwork in this post on Complete Genomics.

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A much more thorough post by Dan MacArthur on the recent issue of the New England Journal of Medicine & genomics.
Dan MacArthur at Genetic Future has the details. Some of the stuff coming out of genomics reminds me a lot of what you see with social science; lots of sexy studies which turn out not to be as significant upon later analysis. Perhaps hypotheses are overrated?
Dan MacArthur has a post up where he discusses 23andMe's outreach to "mommy bloggers." This makes economic sense for any firm in this field. There's only so much money to be made out of telling blue eyed nerds that they carry the gene for blue eyes. To use a computer analogy the way you can get…
Dan MacArthur has a very good post, New York Times adopts medical establishment line on personal genomics: The NY Times has an article entitled "Buyer beware of home DNA tests" that adopts the paternalistic party line of the medical establishment: taking DNA tests without a doctor's advice is…