Why chimps eat seemingly strange food

Image Credit: Animal Planet

Researchers have discovered that the reason chimpanzees eat certain foods may have nothing to do with having a sophisticated palate, but rather, the animals appear to be self-medicating. I suppose if you were a chimpanzee it would be difficult to find a doctor to treat your most recent parasitic infection. The ability to know what foods to eat for specific medicinal benefits may be a learned behavior.

Other animals are known to self-medicate as well, but chimpanzees and humans are the most notorious. Personally, I like to self-medicate with chocolate...and coffee...

For a list of many of the plants chimpanzees in the study were observed ingesting, including their medicinal benefit, visit Discovery News. It is not recommended that you attempt to self-medicate with any of these plants since some are toxic. We have a lot to learn from our closest relatives.


Discovery News

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Ficus natalensis bark (anti-diarrheal)- It's good to know these chips are keeping the jungle clean from diarrhea. What do they take if they are constipated out there?

Chimps are quite smart..they very well know what to eat !
I have personally observed them.

By gabion manufacturers (not verified) on 07 Dec 2012 #permalink