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Cute cat, and some nice reds on those leaves!

I recently read the Jon Krakauer book about Pat Tillman. It was pretty good, but not as good as his mountaineering books, nor as good as his book on the Mormons.

These pictures remind me about one part in the Tillman book that said Pat was a "cat guy", and I think he actually tried convincing one of his pro football teammates of the merits of cats vs. dogs. Useless trivia, but sad tale about Tillman's death.

Happy Friday!

By Wade Nichols (not verified) on 23 Oct 2009 #permalink

Dude hello...?!?!?? - "Into the wild" was an instant classic for me. It was neither romanticized, nor anti-romantic to a killjoy extent (personally I think about 18% romantic is the right worldview). You should definitely hit that if you haven't read it.

I thought the miscellaneous climbing book and mormon book were very good, but the Everest one got kind of tedious for me. Thanks for the review of the new one.

By Eric Johnson (not verified) on 23 Oct 2009 #permalink

He looks pretty serious. Is this your cat Razib?