A Great New SciBling!

Our corporate masters at Seed have added a new blog to ScienceBlogs, and it looks like a real winner. It's called the Denialism Blog, and it's off to a roaring great start with "The Unified Theory of the Crank. Go check it out!


More like this

For an excellent example of math cranks, might I recommend An Editor Recalls some Hopeless Papers (PDF warning). This is Hodges' classic overview of all the "refutations" of Cantor's argument that he has received over the years.

Please teach the /denialism guys how to do a feed (404 on /denialism/atom.xml). Thanks!

PS: lbruno(Luis )@(Bruno)100blossoms.com is a valid email address. Time to bug the MT guys.

By Luis Bruno (not verified) on 01 May 2007 #permalink