Friday Random Ten

  1. Metaphor, "Call Me Old and Uninspired or Maybe Even Lazy and Tired but Thirteen Bodies in my Backyard Say You're Wrong": Very cool (if silly) track from one of the best neo-progressive bands I found via Bitmunk. I love Bitmunk.
  2. The Beatles, "Mean Mr. Mustard"
  3. The Flower Kings, "The Devil's Danceschool": Brilliant instrumental piece by
    the Flower Kings, built around an improv by a Trumpet fed through a synth bender.
  4. Do Make Say Think, "You, You're Awesome": one of my favorite post-rock groups. Very typical of their sound.
  5. Tony Trischka Band, "Woodpecker": Tony used to be my banjo teacher. I also think he's the best banjo player in the world today - better even that Bela Fleck (another of his students). Tony's playing is more sophisticated than Bela's. He's done more to revolutionize Banjo playing than anyone since Earl Scruggs. This track has some really interactions - unisons, and call/response type stuff between the sax and Tony's banjo.
  6. The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra and Tra-la-la Band, "Take These Hands and Throw Them Into the River": Absolutely incredible music from A Silver Mt. Zion. This is, quite possibly, my favorite thing by them. Very intense, rather loud for ASMZ. Amazing piece of work.
  7. Glass Hammer, "Ember Without Name": Very long, very good track by an American neo-progressive band. When I first listened to this album, I was rather depressed - the first track is dull and repetitive. I was expecting it to follow in that pattern. This track blew me away. It's not quite up there with the great prog bands, but it's really good.
  8. Mandelbrot Set, "And the Rockets Red Glare": math-geek post-rock; what's not to love?
  9. Boiled in Lead, "Rasputin": Very, very silly. This is a comedic song by an electric folk-rock band. It tells the story of Rasputin, set to music built form Russian
    folk song melodies. With lyrics like "Rah Rah Rasputin, Russia's greatest love machine".
  10. Sonic Youth, "Incinerate": a truly great track from Sonic Youth.

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Gordian Knot, "Singing Deep Mountain": As frequent readers of my FRTs may have figured out, I'm not typically a big fan of instrumental progrock. Most of the time, I find it to be cold, sterile stuff - technically impressive, even amazing - but utterly devoid of meaning, emotion, or feeling.…

I immediately suspected, and Wikipedia confirmed it, that Boiled in Lead actually covered the Boney M discostomper. Ah, misspent youth.

By Ingrid Jakobsen (not verified) on 01 Feb 2008 #permalink

Feels good to know that I'm not the only math geek (if you don't mind being called that) around that likes the whole math rock/post rock/chicago rock thing.

Ahh.. Boney M, it reminds me of my youth!

PS: as a nitpick from a native Russian speaker - they are not pronouncing 'Rasputin' correctly, it sounds exactly like 'Ras'+'Putin' in Russian :)

By Alex Besogonov (not verified) on 03 Feb 2008 #permalink