Friday Random 10

  1. Boiled in Lead, "Blackened Page": An interestingly mysterious song, written by one of my favorite fiction writers, the brilliant Steven Brust.
  2. J.S. Bach, "Cantata #77": Bach's Cantata's are some of the finest pieces of music ever written. Amazing.
  3. Mandelbrot Set, "And the Rockets Red Glare": very good post-rock.
  4. Yes, "Going for the One": One of my all-time favorite Yes songs. Great stuff.
  5. Pink Floyd, "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun": a live recording of some brilliant Syd Barrett material from Pink Floyd's psychedelic era.
  6. The Flower Kings, "Black and White": As I've said in past FRTs, the Flower Kings are pretty much the best of the neo-progressive bands. This is a relatively short track for the King, being only about 8 minutes long. Typical FK gold.
  7. Elegant Simplicity, "Illuminated Heartbeat": Incredibly dull, repetitive, awful instrumental track. Elegant Simplicity did an amazing
    album called "Architect of Light", which I loved. So I rushed out to get more of their stuff - and met with profound disappointment. This is an awful album - track after track of totally dull repetitive dreck.
  8. Solstice Coil, "Brilliance": another small independent neo-progressive band that I found through Bitmunk. I've had this album for less than 24 hours, so I haven't formed a firm opinion about it yet. It's interesting stuff, with some moments of brilliance.
  9. King Crimson, "Starless": old King Crimson, from the "Red" album. This is amazing music.
  10. Sigur Rós, "Hafsól": A track off the latest album by the Icelandic post-rock ensemble. Pretty typical of Sigur Rós sound; perhaps a bit on the harker side than average, but very distinctively their sound. A great track from a great album.

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