If only we could go back in time...

Oh, wait, don't stop don't stop! Please tell us about the religion bit!

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Want to know how Jenny McCarthy, J.B. Handley, other anti-vaccine advocates, creationists, quacks, 9/11 Truthers, and cranks and pseudoscientists of all stripes manage to be heard when they have no science, evidence, reason, logic, or facts on their side? Sadly, The Onion knows: Oh, No! It's Making…
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aaahhh, QI, great show... who would have thought that 30 minutes of someone being intelligent at you could be so entertaining...

I think that was season 4... according to imdb, episode 10 if you want to find the rest of the episode...
here it is...

sorry bad link
this is it

cut and pasted from the wrong address bar... knew I should have previewed...