Trick Out your Box

Bored with your computer? No need to be. As you probably know, there is a whole culture, perhaps even cult, surrounding tricking out your computer. There is even a journal devoted to the topic (the name of which escapes me at the moment). My favorite example (from that journal) is the "PC in a Fridge" concept, where you build your PC inside a refrigerator or freezer. This lets you "clock up" your processor speed considerably, and keep beer handy at the same time.

Or, you could do a number of other things, such as....

First, get one of these:


Then get one of these...


This is the Optimus keyboard. The keys show whatever you want them so show. So, like, in theory, if you switch to a symbol font, the keys show the symbols. You are looking here at a screen shot of the configuration utility. Only two problems with this keyboard: It does not support linux and the manufacturer has a shitty attitude about this, and it costs nearly 1,600 dollars. Oh, one other thing, according to some reports it is not entirely clear that it exists. So good luck with this.

Then hook up a pile of monitors, like so:


This setup runs a dual-head Linux box in the middle two monitors, a mac on the left, and a windows PC on the right. So, that gives you iTunes on the left, Sim City on the right, and all the important stuff in the middle.

And for your mouse, obviously, this:


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That last photo: The scroll wheel has got to hurt.

By Virgil Samms (not verified) on 24 Nov 2007 #permalink