The Gaping Maw

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Here in Minnesota we do things a little different sometimes. Let me splain. First, a little background. Bird parental investment is intense, or at least it can be. You all know the stories. A bunch of carp are regularly fed in a pond, so they learn to come to the edge of the water when they…
Like many in the Coalition of the Sane, I'm shocked by The NY Times' willingness to run an article on the front page that states this: If the economy grew one half of a percentage point faster than forecast each year over the next two decades -- no easy feat, to be fair -- the country would have to…
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There are few things that make me as happy as being able to find an elusive reference or seemingly ephemeral bit of information, and this afternoon I am smiling. After almost giving up I have been able to locate Richard Harlan description of Basilosaurus, reprinted in his book Medical and Physical…