Anthony Flew, Intelligent Design Supporter, Soft on Eugenics

John Lynch is reporting:

ID supporters seem to like Antony Flew, the one-time atheist philosopher who has apparently seen the light and become a deist. They have awarded him the Phillip Johnson Award for Liberty and Truth, they have lauded his latest book, and Bill Dembski exclaims "God bless Antony Flew!" But at the risk of raining on the parade, there's something that Bill needs to realize - the fearless Flew seems to have a very ambivalent attitude (to put it mildly) to eugenics.

Prometheus Books recently published its New Encyclopedia of Unbelief, a work to which I provided an entry on Haeckel and co-wrote (with Matt Young) the entry on unbelief among scientists. While browsing my copy, I stumbled across the entry on eugenics (pp. 294 - 296, pdf), written by none other that Antony Flew....

Indeed, this gets very interesting. Go to Flew's Eugenic Leanings

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Has everyone already forgotten James Watson's vicious remarks about the intellectual interiority of the Africans?

By Skeptical Skeptic (not verified) on 02 Dec 2007 #permalink

Has everyone already forgotten James Watson's vicious remarks about the intellectual interiority of the Africans?

Posted by: Skeptical Skeptic |


Your point being...?

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 02 Dec 2007 #permalink