And if you thought licking toads was bad...

While smoking toad venom might sound extreme, an even more disturbing method to get high possibly includes sniffing fermented human waste. Vicky Ward, manager of prevention services at Tri-County Mental Health Services in Kansas City, said she has read e-mail warnings about a drug called jenkem.

The drug is made from fermented feces and urine.

"We work with a lot of youths and we ask them whether anyone has tried it and they said no," Ward said. "They (the youths) have heard about it because of the Internet."

But whether people actually use of jenkem has not been determined, Ward said, noting that a Web site that investigates urban legends isn't clear on the matter.

"Kids get ideas that later turn out to be unfounded, but you will get some idiots who will try anything," she said.

Kids: Don't lick toads. Don't sniff shit.

[hat tip: TRCMF]


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If there were any truth to the 'jenkem' story, don't you think it would have been rediscovered in about a thousand cultures about a million times to date in human history?

The story could be a hoax that could lead to some funny stories, but it's more likely someone will contract a disease from it.

By Ken Shabby (not verified) on 04 Dec 2007 #permalink

Oh, yes, I'm absolutely sure this is a hoax. I probably should have mentioned that. Of course it's a hoax.


What, you've never heard people say "That's some good shit!" or "What kind of shit are you on?"

In my youth I heard some kid (I and they were maybe 12) claiming that one could get high by soaking styrofoam in vinegar and smoking it. The group he was talking to seemed skeptical and mocking, and one thought it would be embarrassing to end up in hospital with them saying "what are you on? what did you take?", and having to reply "uh...vinegar-soaked styrofoam", which, it seemed to be implied by the tone of voice, was thought would not elicit much respect from the ER employees.

By El Christador (not verified) on 04 Dec 2007 #permalink

They been dope duped, glad you weren't. rb

In case someone wants to run it down, I seem to remember it started with a British teevee show, satire, I reckon. Don't recall name.