O-Reilly declares victory in war on Christmas

You are right, Bill. We don't care about Christmas. We simply believe that no religion should be in the public square. Finally you get it.


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OReilly states:

There's no place in American public life for any expression of spirituality.

Sure there is. It's variously called a church, temple, synagogue, mosque, ...

Does this mean he's gonna shut up now?

OReilly states:

> There's no place in American public life for any expression of spirituality.

Yes there is. You can express your beliefs all you want. You just can't use my tax dollars to do so. Moreover Christmas displays on government land aren't about showing your religion they're about asserting your belief in the governments religion. Its a pathetic attempt to mark territory. Can't you just use urine like a good little doggy and spare us the eye-sore?