More on Euro-Creo Themepark

The AH Trust intends to spend seven million dollars to build a theme park and studio to "promote the account of the creation recorded in the biblical book of Genesis and to combat what it sees as the malign influence on society of Darwin's theory of evolution" and to produce Christians films and TV shows.

"Evolution has falsely become the foundation of our society," the report said. "We need the studio to advocate Genesis across this land in order to remove this falsehood which presently is destroying the church foundation."

In a short statement released on Tuesday, the charity said it had not yet chosen a site for the theme park. It said it had received more than 1,000 abusive emails since news of the studio first broke in a Sunday newspaper and would refrain from comment for the time being.

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Only 1,000?

By Gene Goldring (not verified) on 20 Dec 2007 #permalink