News: britney spears latest, and the Idaho Caucus (or Iowa, or whatever)

It turns out that Huckabee ...

rhymes with Schmuck 'll be...


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On one hand, we have the Huckabee factor ... Huckabee's draw on hard right voters in tomorrows primary may lead anti-evolutionists to victory. On the other hand, we have the Obama factor ... Obama's draw on moderate republicans may lead to a cleansing of pernicious liberal elements from the…
Jason Wiles delivers a lovely smackdown of Huckabee's position on evolution. First, he hits him hard on his record as governor of Arkansas. During Huckabee's tenure as Governor, evolution education in Arkansas languished in an environment of general hostility and insufficiency. Two anti-evolution…
I try to avoid blogging about 'horse race' politics, in no small part because about nineteen percent of voters don't make up their minds until several days before an election. For a long time, I've been privately telling people that Huckabee is a serious candidate that could pose real problems for…
Female Science Professor describes the amazing (and amazingly depressing) power of invisibility women in science seem to possess - at least when Distinguished Schmucks are visiting the department: A male colleague and I walked up to the Distinguished Visitor in the hallway, and the visitor stuck…