The cat's out of the bag...

The recent release of the NAS tome on evolution, and how evolution is good and creationist is bad, has been picked up by the religious community. It was only a matter of time before they noticed.

From the Ecumenical News International:

The US scientific community has begun 2008 with a strong offensive on evolution in the educational system, which often evokes the ire of advocates of creationism, a belief that humanity, life and the universe were created in their original form by a deity.


There isn't much else. They don't seem to have much to say yet, other than the idea that somehow promoting excellent science education is an "offensive."

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The US scientific community has begun 2008 with a strong offensive on evolution in the educational system, which often evokes the ire of advocates of creationism, a belief that humanity, life and the universe were created in their original form by a deity.

I am copying my response to the previous post here. The Ecumenical News International doesn't speak for me or the thousands of Christians I have known in the 30 years I have been a Christian.
Most Christians believe that life is elastic and changes and adapts as time goes by. I don't know a lot of those people who say the whole planet is only some thousands of years old, or Noah had dinosaurs in the ark with him. ( please pardon me for laughing at that thought! It sure would have been a very cramped arrangement!)
This whole thing almost seems as if someone is getting a commission for sewing strife, miscommunications and half truths. Most of the Christians I know have a great deal of respect for scientists and their hard work and dedication! And they are very thankful for all the modern marvels science has brought us!

Gee, someone important said what I have been saying for years! I think I am going to faint! LOL!
I have some scientist friends who believe the same thing! I just think that evolution started with the tiny creatures and continued up until the point where God told Adam to name the creatures. It kept going after that. Darwin's finches are proof the process is still going on.
I see so many hurt feelings and time wasted with this. I think I am going to start a third party, like the politicians do. The, "we promise to respect you, and play nice party!"
Science has so much wonderful stuff to share with the world. It is a crying shame to see time taken up when people aren't agreeing to disagree agreeably. I am not pointing any fingers at anyone, but it does make me want to cry when I see some brilliant scientist who could help humanity so much, having their time eaten up in arguments.
Dave Briggs :~)