Al Franken Makes his Move

[Hat Tip: Tangled Up in Blue Guy]

We are going to have the coolest Senator!


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[Hat Tip: Some Anonymous Guy]
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There are actually a few campaign events for Al this weekend. One of the coolest is going to be at Shawn and Rebecca Otto's farm in Marine on St. Croix (Shawn is on the steering committe for Science Debate 2008.) I am bring chips and salsa to that one. Another one is an appearance by Al at the Carboni's in Lexington (northern suburb) on Saturday afternoon.

I'll be there, it would be cool to see you and the family at either one.

I watched his video explaining why he is running and I was very impressed. This guy is either the real thing, or he does a very good imitation. I wish we could get someone like him to run in Georgia. But I imagine he would lose. Too many of us down here like authoritarians who use state resources to help out their friends in the real estate business while lining their own pockets. At least as long as they wrap themselves in the flag and hate gays.

I can't wait to caucus for, work for, and vote for Al! Also, anybody who hasn't read Rush Limbough is a Big Fat Idiot and Lies and the Lying Liers Who Tell Them ought to!

By Chris Hanson (not verified) on 09 Jan 2008 #permalink