My Linux Calendar

It's a good one....

Jan 13
Horatio Alger born, 1834
Jan 13
Sophie Tucker born, 1884
Jan 13
Wilhelm Wien born, 1864, Nobel prize for blackbody radiation laws
Jan 13
Fellowship enters Moria
Jan 13
National Liberation Day in Togo
Jan 13
Eric Clapton plays the "Rainbow Concert" in London, 1973
Jan 14
Albert Schweitzer born, 1875
Jan 14
The first "Be-In" is held in Golden Gate Park, 1967
Jan 14*
Adults Day in Japan
Jan 14
Konferenz von Casablanca, 1943
Jan 14
Julian Calendar New Year's Day
Jan 14
Anniversary Day (Southland)


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I have always wondered why, on this date, we don't do civil reenactments of the "Entry to Moria." It was a key date on the journey to defeat Sauron.

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