Look around you: Math

Educational on line learning: Math. Have your copy book ready:

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From The Atlantic: Studies indicate that Asian students achieve some of the highest scores in the world in math and science comparisons. However, owing to excessive focus on memorization, done solely for the purpose of passing tests, these gloomy idiot savants demonstrate surprisingly little…
It's not a rosy picture for girls in math. As Barbie infamously framed it, girls should think that "math is hard." While Mattel (rightly) received a lot of flack for that comment, the sad fact is that Barbie was reflecting the attitude many girls tend to take toward mathematics education: it's…
As you've probably noticed, things have been rather slow around here lately. I've got more posts in the works on group theory and abstract algebra - but they take a lot of time to research and write, so they'll be coming out slowly - one a week or so. In the meantime, I'm looking for other topics…
There are two kinds of children's books: those that are aimed primarily at the kids themselves and those that are aimed at the adults that actually shell out the cash to pay for the books. There's certainly a lot of overlap -- books that kids love but that also catch the eyes, hearts & minds…