A little undersea interlude to go with your morning coffee

Nudibranch ...

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Nudibranchs -- marine snails without shells -- make wonderful photo subjects for the macro photographer. They are small, colorful, and they move slowly (as snails are wont to do). That last characteristic is particularly welcome. Most fishes are in motion almost constantly, and non-sessile…
Our second day at sea was brought to close on much calmer seas. We again dove on Pioneer Seamount, the northernmost station during our cruise and approximately parallel with San Fran Cheezy. We continued to explore the volcanic cones. In contrast to the deeper habitats on day 1 where corals…
It took a while to convince the Trophy Wife to let me take pictures of her feet and post them on the internet. Wait, that's not as kinky as it sounds! She's been loafing about in these nice socks she was sent by our very own Patricia, OM, using yarn colors based on the Spanish Shawl nudibranch, and…
I see that some are still trying to claim echinoderms are cooler. I see the evil order now even has their own blog. Thankfully we still have a tiny little magazine you might have heard of-National Geographic. Photographer David Doubilet has a series on nudibranchs with some of the best…

I LOVE nudibranchs. They are the most attractive animals with their bright coloration. Thanks Richard for the great link.