Home Schooling = Lower Taxes

This is the first time I've seen this argument made, in a letter to the editor in LJWorld of Lawrence, Kansas:

Senior citizens are concerned about rising property taxes due to education and a needless golf course.

With more private schools [and] more home schooling ... , why is additional funding needed? The enrollment for public schools only went up by 169 students this year.

Why do we keep ... closed schools used for storage? Sell them. The "1 percent for the arts" should be deleted from the budget as well as the Sister City program, if it is dependent on taxes. ...

Mary Ann Kieffer,



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No garbage pickup = lower taxes!

No more medicare and social security = lower taxes!

Send her a bill for the free education she received as a child from others' taxes.

By Eirikr Einarsson (not verified) on 29 Jan 2008 #permalink