Huckabee: You can take our racist flag and shove it

South Carolina people know true conservatism when they see it.You don't like people outside the state telling you how you ought to raise your kids, you don't like people from outside the state telling you what to do with the flag ... In fact, if somebody came down to Arkansas and told us what to do with our flag, we'd tell'em where to put the pole.

Whether or not a flag, in this case the confederate flag, is a racist symbol is not necessarily something that a small group of people can decide. If a plurality or majority see it that way, then those waving the flag around and pretending it is simply a matter of state-level patriotism, this does not alter this symbol's meaning.

Huckabee obviously understands this, as we can see his boyish "oh crap I screwed up" demeanor in this video:


Meanwhile, there are reports that God is pissed at Huckabee, for being a racist, and has responded, after consulting with Pat Robertson, to his win in Arkansas by killing more than 30 voters in the Ozark state. Story here.


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...there are reports that God is pissed at Huckabee, for being a racist, and has responded, after consulting with Pat Robertson, to his win in Arkansas by killing more than 30 voters in the Ozark state.

Well, that's some sort of new low. And bloggers wonder why they're not taken as seriously as they think they deserve to be??

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink

Bwa Ha Ha - God hates with a long and angry hate! He also hates William Dembski, "ID Theorist" (oxymoron) currently teaching at a Kentucky Southern Baptist Seminary because Union University, which is Southern Baptist, had 2 dorms destroyed.

Looks to me like God Hates Huckabee, & Southern Baptists.

This is a clear sign from God that he wants our help, and if we don't want to be next on His hit list, we need to burn down as many Southern Baptist churches as we can, and we'd better do it soon before the Big Guy decides to get mad again.

Thank You LOrd!

Wait - the God-shouters are forever saying that some natural calamity or other indicates God's displeasure; how is mocking that absurdity any kind of low at all? Or is it just not any fun to have it bent backwards?

Wait - the God-shouters are forever saying that some natural calamity or other indicates God's displeasure; how is mocking that absurdity any kind of low at all? Or is it just not any fun to have it bent backwards?

If your idea of a useful public position is to scramble down into the gutter trying to get even lower than your opponents ... well, fill your boots ...

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink

Scott Belyea,

Since you seem to not have a sense of humour may I offer some advice. Stop making idiotic comments about a humorous comment, unless you want to come across as looking like an idiot. If you do want to look an idiot, just carry on.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink

Matt, it's called schadenfreude. Sure, it's a character flaw, but we all have sinned. Have we not?

I didn't think it was humorous--I read it as a sarcastic turnaround of Robertson's foolish and hateful comment regarding Dover, PA (and other places). If an ass like Robertson is going to make such statements, he ought to explain the situation on Super Tuesday.

I didn't think it was humorous--I read it as a sarcastic turnaround of Robertson's foolish and hateful comment regarding Dover, PA (and other places)

Yep, that's exactly how I read it, with the exception that I thought it was funny. But then I laugh at lots of stuff.

If your idea of a useful public position is to scramble down into the gutter trying to get even lower than your opponents ... well, fill your boots ...

Scott, there's a world of difference between going to your opponent's level and mocking your opponent's level. And while I normally try to be tolerant of religious people if they return the favor, Robertson deserves only mockery.

"I didn't think it was humorous--I read it as a sarcastic turnaround of Robertson's foolish and hateful comment regarding Dover, PA (and other places). If an ass like Robertson is going to make such statements, he ought to explain the situation on Super Tuesday."

That statement is contradictory. Sarcasm is a form of wit, and as such a form of humour. Maybe you would like to tell us which of two positions you take is the correct one. Is Greg using sarcasm, and thus using humour, or is he not ?

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink

Sarcasm may be a form of wit (as are most human expressions things) but it's not necessarily a form of humor. It's kind of like the difference between laughing with someone and laughing at someone. The definition of sarcasm is useful here, as is the definition of wit. I leave it to you to look them up.

Talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees. Mocking the dead to criticize an "opponent" is not sarcasm and it's not humour ... at the very best, it's bad taste.

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink

Well, to be honest, "Mocking the Dead" was on the short list for names of this blog....

Hey Belyea, I got news for you: even God mocked the dead--before he killed them! Just read that piece in the ol' black book about Sodomites....
As one tells it:

"The cities of the plain were destroyed as a warning for all that this same event will happen again one day to the wicked. One would think God is capable of preserving this ancient lesson for us to see and to learn from."

"Then the Lord rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the Lord out of the heavens" Genesis 19:24. "Turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making them an example to those who afterward would live ungodly" II Peter 2:6.

And mocking the dead? WTF? So Huckamite is not mocking the hundreds of thousands of dead slaves (both black and white) that suffered under that Southern Baptist/Northern Protestant collusion called the "pre-civil war era" or its bastard cousin Reconstruction?

By the real cmf (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink

"Talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees. Mocking the dead to criticize an "opponent" is not sarcasm and it's not humour ... at the very best, it's bad taste."

Scott, maybe English is not your first language but it would seem you really have not understood what Greg said. I am not sure if that is because your English is not up to it, or if your comprehension skills are poor, or if you really are just being a dickhead. The people Greg is taking the piss out of are those who are always so quick to thank for god for any fortuitious events that may happen in their lives but then forget to blame god for all the bad things that happen. If someone thanks god for saving them for a natural disaster then they are also blaming god for killing those who did not survive. That you failed to understand that says nothing about Greg and a great deal about you.

I note that you decided you wanted to show us you were an idiot after all. Well done, you succeeded.

By Matt Penfold (not verified) on 06 Feb 2008 #permalink

Getting back to the opening citation, did Huckleberry of Arkansas go to South Carolina to tell South Carolinians what they know and what they don't like?