
Linnaeus' Legacy #5: You Can't Stop the Beat is at Catalogue of Organisms.

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Today's collection of carnivalia have been published for you to enjoy. Encephalon, issue 60. This is the second time I've hosted this carnival, which is devoted to collecting all reports on neuroscience into one place for you to read and enjoy. Linnaeus' Legacy, a blog carnival that focuses on…
Here's a new blog carnival for you to read, this time, a new one for me (and possibly the last time this blog carnival will be published) -- the Fabulous! blog carnival, which is "all about appearances". Despite its hedonistic theme, there is a story there that is interesting; the "Stylish First…
I don't see the need to redescribe the recent paper about the discovery of bacteria that can might replace, in extremis, phosphorus with arsenic, which was overhyped by NASA, was poorly covered by most journalists, and which has compromising methodological problems (for good coverage, read here,…