Facebook Founder Zuckerberg Heckled at Conference

This was at the SXSW Interactive Festival in Austin Texas. And it wasn't really him being heckled, exactly.

Business Week journalist Sarah Lacy was interviewing Zuckerberg on the stage, and apparently chose topics to ask him about that were of little interest to the audience. In other words, the show they were putting on was something of a disaster.

Eventually, Lacy backed off and allowed the audience to ask the questions instead, and things went much better after that.

"The audience is asking Zuckerburg better questions than Lacy did," said former Microsoft blogger, Robert Scoble, via his Twitter feed.

I would like to know more about what happened. Was this really a case of a badly done interview, or was it representative of a cultural change in how people interact. Was the audience a concentration of people participating in a new, somewhat altered culture where facebooking and twittering represent a new kind of spontaneity and critique? Is this a Post MTV phenomenon? Generation LOL?

If you are actually interested in questions that may have been asked about Facebook, you can read the story here.

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