Fun with numbers

I've seen one or another version of this before, and I'm never quite sure what the point is. But it is interesting in parts:

Is this meant to be sobering, or scary?


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Karl Fisch originally put the presentation together for high school teachers to make them think about the fact that the world they're preparing their students for is not the same world they grew up in. He does have sources listed on his blog:

I'd guessed it was a motivational piece taken out of context, although I'd expected corporate instead of educational. It could use a little of that context back. Maybe a couple of questions at the end about what kinds of skills translate from this world into the next and how we teach them.

By Stephanie Z (not verified) on 14 Mar 2008 #permalink


Agreed that accuracy is important but don't devalue meaning!

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 15 Mar 2008 #permalink