Blog Business And Stuff

Following a number of reader requests (thanks for the feedback!) I've compiled a list of the most read posts from this blog, excluding those that were heavily visited but that were timely and thus not likely relevant now. The list is divided into rough categories, and I've placed it here, on my About page.

I'll update this now and then. If there is anything else you want to see on there, let me know.

Also, my blogroll has finally reached the "Z's" ... so in a few days I'll be updating that and running out a new set. If you'd like to be added to my blog roll, let me know. If you are not sure if you are on it, tell me anyway, duplicates are automatically removed. (If you've asked me recently, during the current roll-out, you are probably already added and will show up in the next round. But go ahead and ask again if you like).

Some time over the next 24 hours, I'll be heading out on an expedition to the Great White North, so there may be a breather on the blog for several hours. This might be a good opportunity to visit my newly updated About Page and read good stuff you missed!

I will report back on the status of the North Woods. Hoping to see some large carnivores and small and large birds.

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Ah, this is very handy, thank you very much!

By Elizabeth (not verified) on 15 Mar 2008 #permalink