Carnival Business: Boneyard

Please note that the Boneyard Web Carnival is looking for submissions RIGHT NOW. HURRY!


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The Boneyard Web Carnival Needs Your Submissions! Send them HERE!!!! Please do this by Monday at 8:00 PM. Thank you very much, that is all.
Last summer I started up the paleontology blog carnival The Boneyard, a bi-weekly gathering of links featuring the best of blogging about fossils. Sadly the carnival has now become defunct, and outside of Will (who has admirably tried to kick me in the butt to get it going again) not many people…
I won't make excuses; I left The Boneyard in disrepair for too long. Now I'm bringing it back, and even though there are a few minor changes (it will now be on the first Tuesday of every month) I'm hoping that I will be able to keep it consistently running from here on out. Since we have already…