Carnival Stuff

I and the Bird # 71 is here.

I am covering both Gene Genie and Berr Go Round, so please send me your gene and plant submissions over the next couple of days!

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I am hosting The Giant's Shoulders this month. Please get me your submissions by the 15th. Hint: Darwin's birthday is this month. Hint: Darwin was a giant. Do Darwin! Send submissions via the blog carnival submission thingie. Berry Go Round #13: Winter-Tough is here, at Watching The World…
This is a pointer and an appeal. Pointer: Go see the current edition of Berry Go Round, the plant web carnival. It is here. Appeal: If you blog about plants, please send me your blog posts for consideration for the next edition of Berry Go Round, which will be hosted here, with the target…
Attention: Berry Go Round Submissions are technically due today. But, I'm not going to assemble the carnival until quite late tonight, so you have several hours to get them to me. Gene Genie is to be published on March 30th, so please get those submission in as well. Any time up to the 29th…
The Gene Genie Blog Carnival is up and running at DNADirect Talk. Please go check it out. The next Gene Genie Carnival will be hosted here, at this blog (the one you are reading right now, this one). Please send me your entries! You can use the blog submission form or email them directly to me…