NOVA: Voyage to the Mystery Moon

A new NOVA is on the way. "Voyage to the Mystery Moon" is about Titan and the planet it goes around, Saturn.

Chronicling a bold voyage of discovery--the Cassini/Huygens mission to Saturn and its enigmatic moon Titan--"Voyage to the Mystery Moon" delivers striking images of these fascinating planetary bodies nearly a billion miles from Earth. Saturn's broad rings hold myriad mysteries, and Titan, whose soupy atmosphere is similar to the one that enshrouded our planet billions of years ago, may hold clues to the origins of life. In hopes of answering some long-standing astrophysical questions, teams from NASA and the European Space Agency gamble years of effort to both ease the Cassini spacecraft into a workable orbit around Saturn and land the Huygens probe on Titan's never-before-seen surface....

More information here.


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