Faith Vs. Speculation: Religious Instructor Resigns In Disagreement Over Reality of Jesus

Bible scholar and NorthPointe Christian High School teacher Kent Dobson resigned Tuesday after he and the school board parted ways over Dobson's role in a Discovery Channel program, "Jesus: The Missing History."

"It was apparent to both Kent and the board that some of the views expressed on the program were outside of the Statement of Faith of NorthPointe Christian and therefore his resignation was given and accepted," according to a statement made by NorthPointe Superintendent Jim Hofman and e-mailed to NorthPointe parents.

Dobson, the 31-year-old son of retired Calvary Church pastor Ed Dobson and a NorthPointe Bible teacher for nearly two years, refused to comment Wednesday on his resignation, his father said.


Neither Hofman nor NorthPointe Board President Kevin Belk would say what specific comments made on the program, which was hosted by Dobson, led to Dobson's resignation. Nor would they say how Dobson's role on the program became a school board issue.

"I really wish I could lay it all out, but it's a personnel issue," Hofman said. Belk, who also is police chief in Grand Rapids, referred all questions to Hofman.

The Discovery program first aired at 10 p.m. March 16. A promo on the Discovery Channel Web site says this about the show: "Wars have been fought in his name. Untold millions have devoted their lives to him. But how much do we really know about Jesus ben Joseph of Galilee? Explorer and bible scholar Kent Dobson sets out to get to the bottom of it."

The program raised "difficult questions about the biblical story," Ed Dobson said. Kent "interviewed scholars who raised questions, and people assumed falsely this is what Kent believes.



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Wait a minute: this guy was fired, not for saying heretical things, but for hosting a TV docu in which some of his interviewees said heretical things? Like, can't have one of our teachers -- even outside school -- aiding and abetting the airing of contrary views, can we? "Teach the controversy" only applies when it's someone else's beliefs we want to shoot down! Do that to our dogma, and we'll...we'll EXPELL you!

Fucktard hypocrites.