Oh Crap, What are we Gonna Do Now?


This is the first time we are forced to weather a major storm in the Twin Cities without Paul Douglas! We're doomed!!!!
This storm is supposed to go for another 24 hours or so.

I am reminded of last spring when there was a particularly bad storm raging outside...

i-0ae70547a45a0d7747840c44d387f66b-paul.jpg... and Amanda and I had the TV on with Paul showing all the cool radar signals and telling people what was going to happen next. Suddely, he zoomed in on our neighborhood, had a look at the radar, and got a very worried look on his face. He turned to us and said "If you're in Blaine or Coon Rapids right now, go to the basement. Don't even stop to turn off the TV.

So we did.

The tornado passed just to our south. It actually touched down on or just near the river, cut across a park, and plowed into a neighborhood not far from us. Fortunately, it was not much of a tornado. Fifty trees or so were yanked out and some roofs blown off but nobody got sucked all the way to Oz on that one. Besides, everyone else was certainly listening to Paul, so they were also in the basement or 'fraidy-hole (in the case of trailer parks).

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It's a pity there aren't more weather forecasters like that instead of the idiots who keep popping up on local TV to "tease" you with the "upcoming weather" at the next news break.

Just tell us the freaking weather and quit it with the asinine lures, for goodness sake.

Good thing you had a basement! It would take me a while to dig down thru the concrete foundation if I got a warning like that. ;)

It's a pity there aren't more weather forecasters like that instead of the idiots who keep popping up on local TV to "tease" you with the "upcoming weather" at the next news break.

Just tell us the freaking weather and quit it with the asinine lures, for goodness sake.

Paul Douglas is one of the very best TV meteorologists I've seen. I already miss him.

By bob koepp (not verified) on 11 Apr 2008 #permalink