Obama and Clinton Meet UPDATED

According to news breaking moments ago, Obama and Clinton are meeting at this very moment in a home in the Washington D.C. area.

There are no details available. But I thought you'd like to know.


It is now thought that the "home in DC" was Hillary's place. It is believed that Hillary has snuck out the back of the house and she and Barack are going to meet somewhere quite.

And no, I am not making this up.


It appears that Obama was in the DC area today with the press group that is assigned to him. Then they went to get on the plane and fly away. Well, they did go on the plane to fly away. And they flew away.

But Obama only made them THINK he was on the plane. The press corps flew away and Obama was still on the ground ... on his way over to Hillary's place.

And no, I really really am not making this up.


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I see it going down like this.

Hilary: "Sure, you beat me in the primaries, but care to make it 2 out of 3?"

Obama: "What do you have in mind?"

Hilary: "a game of battleship followed by one armed push ups."

"Now how are we going to fill up 24 hours of news?"

"We could just keep following Obama and Clinton around."

"But there's nothing to report!"

"Hasn't stopped us yet."


And no, I really really am not making this up.

Oh, come now, of course you are. What other explanation is there?

Apparently Barak is smarter than Gary Hart...

By afarensis (not verified) on 05 Jun 2008 #permalink