Evolution for Louisiana ... a new citizens group.

We made this site to spread the word about our effort to combat Creationism in Louisianan Schools.

You may be aware that yesterday(June 28) Governor Jindal signed bill 733 into effect. This bill will allow Creationist material, specifically from the Discovery Institute, to be used in classrooms to 'inspire critical thinking'. It will also allow teachers and students to spread ridiculous religious ideas at will.

What's wrong with that, you might ask? ....

Check it out.

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Cletus From the National Center for Science Education: Over the protests of leading scientific organizations such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Louisiana's governor Bobby Jindal signed Senate Bill 733 into law,…
SB 733, a creationist bill in the Louisiana legislature, was approved on a lopsided vote in the Louisiana House of Representatives today. It now moves back to the Senate, where small differences between this bill and the Senate version must be reconciled before it can go to Governor Jindal.…
Todd Wood is a professor at Bryan College, in Dayton, TN. Dayton, you'll recall, was the home of the Scopes trial, and Bryan College was named after Scopes's prosecutor, William Jennings Bryan, and was founded in part to carry on Bryan's anti-evolution crusade. Wood himself is a prominent young…

Wish somebody would run a spill-chucker on that site. It's hard to take people seriously when they have such poor grammar.

Wish somebody would run a spill-chucker on that site. It's hard to take people seriously when they have such poor grammar.

I really love the contact address too:


The website needs a little work, but the cause is good.
I'll help contact some friends in Louisiana and send them some good books.

That has been suggested to them, and they are also in touch with National Center for Science Education.

They're campaigning for Evolution in Louisiana?

Why, hasn't it happened there yet?



I'll get my coat...

Seriously though, it's a good effort, and the sort of thing I like to see.